What is Escape?
Escape is a catch and evade style wide-game across the North Yorkshire countryside. Teams of between four and seven Explorers - 'Escapers' - are given 24 hours to navigate between set checkpoints. Simultaneously, they are evading teams of Catchers, who comprise Network and adult Scouting Leaders.
The Escape team who are caught the fewest times, and hold the least amount of penalty points win!
When is it?
Saturday 19th to Sunday 20th October 2024. Escape begins at 11:00am, with sign-ins and kit checks commencing at 08:30am.
Escape is held annually around the third weekend in October.
Where is it?
Escape 2024 planning is still underway, the region of Yorkshire will be announced shortly before bookings open.
Specific locations are kept secret until one month before Escape starts, to make sure the route is brand new to all Escape teams. The end location is only announced on the event.
Are you up to the challenge? Can you...
Walk 25-35km? (This same distance as a DofE Bronze expedition)
Be on your feet competing for 24 hours?
Competently navigate yourself across Yorkshire's countryside?
Cope in all weathers, with the appropriate equipment to help you?
Arrive at our Yorkshire start point for 08:30am on a Saturday morning?
Where do I get more details?
All the finer details, such as kit list and the location will only be given once your booking has been confirmed. In the meantime, if you have any questions feel free to get in touch at escape@nys.org.uk.
We can help with accommodation on Friday night, but please give us plenty of notice.